March 23rd, 2018 was a special day for our team at the Law Office of Theresa Nguyen, PLLC. It was our last day of operation at Triton Towers Three and we all concluded the work day knowing that next week would be the start of a whole new chapter. After several months of planning and preparation, it was the moment we've all been waiting for - to move into our new, bigger and more private office space!
Almost 3 years ago, Theresa decided to take the dive and hang a shingle; it was truly the only way she could have the freedom to help loved ones and control the quality of service she provides. With the help of Regus, which offers serviced office spaces on the 6th floor of Triton Towers Three in Renton, she was able to get started with minimal infrastructure and overhead. They took care of the furniture, networking, printing, phones and many more, allowing Theresa to focus on solving her client's legal issues.
And that she did - providing her clients with results and service that expressed her commitment to her team, clients and community. It was wonderful and Theresa's solid reputation grew stronger with each passing day. Soon, the demand for her services outgrew her staff and office space. We are grateful for the assistance Regus provided yet we were bursting at the seams and needed to accommodate for the growth.
In order to satisfy the demand, we've doubled our in-house staff and relocated our main office - still in Renton and just minutes from our old location! The move was truly a rite of passage for Theresa and her team. As stressful and costly as it was to get an independent, functional office up and running, it was necessary to continue to provide the level of service our clients are used to.
With the help of our team and their families, the move was completed over just one weekend! We're still settling into our beautiful, new office but it's already operational and our core team members are dialed in and focused on client results and service. Come visit us!
Our address is now:
1500 Benson Rd. South
Suite 203
Renton, WA 98055